50: Is the Old Fifty

50 is the old fifty

If you can 50, you can 60

When you write 50 publish 50

50 might be your muse

50 may very well be the “this” and the “that” of you

50 is the number of ways to leave your lover

Sometimes 50-50 is wrong

Sometimes 50-50 is correct

50 is a speed limit from the 60’s

In five years a 50-year old can claim to be a  speeder

Consider adopting the high 50 versus the high 5

Who is on the $50 bill? Rags Slyest Sun 

Search results for 50 on Slang.org: nothing found

She is the 50th most common word used in the English language

Former Boyfriend is Interrogated by Chinese Laundress on
Upper East Side Commencing with Two Questions and
Concluding with a Statement.

You married? No
You engaged? No
You gay.

My Mother's Hands

My mother’s hands, here before me
tools with tomboy appeal
gripping tree limbs to prune, yes
but more likely climbing to see farther

Fingertips fashioning flour into flaky wonders
commanding kitchen stage props
loosening flavors from garden greens and herbal treasures

Never saturnine when challenged by domesticity
always the right amount of oil
never the greasy aftermath

Younger arms carrying the weight of family life
older arms easing her husband to the final resting
fully aware she needs but two simple tools to help the living

No Appointment Necessary…Ever

Inspired by Representative Joe Wilson’s outburst, “You lie” during President
Obama’s speech to Congress.

There is store front sign which tells us that no appointment is necessary…ever

There is a book that uses architectural photographs to document 

New York City history

There is a magazine clipping where an art hotel in Louisville, Kentucky

invites us to relax among the Andres Serranos

And one where the museum suggests we come see art where the rubber
meets the sublime

There is a map of a Hudson River town which details tourist site, hotels 

and bars

There is a postcard with a cutout which reads, “click”, it’s an invitation to an 

art opening

There is an autographed “love always” on the back of collateral that “was at

There is a website that gives us about/and home/recommended links and more

There is a photo downloaded from a website where jiffy pop above a door

frame stands in as a fire detector

There is a blog which details a Parisian’s friend’s radiation therapy and
subsequent debilitating surgery

There is a flickr page which documents an event about “Adopting-a-Highway”

There is a tweet which informs subscribers why, where and when they 

should care

And there is a shout out from an audience member, “You lie…spoken word

is the killer app!"