The 15th Annual Poetry Walk Across the Brooklyn Bridge

Produced for Poets House by Limey Films, Inc.

Monday, June 14th, 2010

Featuring actor Bill Murray, Brooklyn Poet Laureate Tina Chang, and poets Anne Carson, Galway Kinnell (winner of the 1982 Pulitzer Prize for Poetry), and Thomas Lux.

Bill Murray marches with Poets House across Brooklyn Bridge

Radujko in attendance at the walk

Photo by Gothamist

Double Rainbow as Lazy Tongs: Poem on the Occasion of the 15th Annual Poetry Walk Across For Poets House

I walked across a bridge tonight,
a poet among poets, in line and abreast
east bound toward Brooklyn
with mighty bridge as pathway
Say poet, are you lonely, are you hungry
Pray poet, are you frightened, are you sorry
Play poet, dance at mid-bridge and kiss her
Stay poet, calm this gathering, this gay poetry crowd
Clasp the hand of humanity for poetry
aboard these lazy tongs
reaching with anchored heart
before the collage called city
Tell the story of elders, culture and space
tell it true without restraint
Speak of personal or general
river beneath you
loosening or guiding

This is a call to all poets… or follower of poets
to walk the bridge of poetry
then turn
and start again.

June 2010/Gabriella Radujko